Thursday 10 February 2011

Hellebores update (10 FEB 2011)

The hellebore flowers finally opened, and I have joined the fan club. I couldn't understand why people are so passionate about them before.

When the enormous leaves are cut away, the flowers are so prominent on their spindly stalks.

This pale hellebore looks like an older lady with a powdered face, beauty spot, ruffled collar and a floppy hat with a feather.


This darker hellebore reminds me of a kaleidoscope toy when the sun shines through it (yes, I did have to lie on the wet ground to take that photo!)


Unknown said...

Welcome to the Hellebore Lover's Clan! (Or cult as my husband likes to call it. )

Carolyn @ Carolyn's Shade Gardens said...

B-a-g, We knew you would come around. Now there is a whole hellebore world out there for you to explore. Grab your life savings and get going---just kidding. Carolyn

b-a-g said...

Thanks Ficurinia - fellow hellebore-lover.

Carolyn - I would, if I had a huge garden with 4ft square to dedicate to each hellebore.

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